What excuse will Christy Ford use to skip tomorrow's Senate hearing?

What excuse will Christy Ford use to skip tomorrow's Senate hearing?

What makes you think she'll skip?

Kavy met her outside and showed his wingie

She forgot that she had a class to teach… Just like she seems to forget lots of things


She'll make another false accusation that libs have instructed her to say.

That time of the month

What's up, DUDE?

Maybe she'll claim she's too STONED to come, you know, like you did every other day in high school.

If she does, her ''excuse'' might be she has every right to seek a more favorable venue to air her case.

Three women came forward.

And now allegations of physical (drunken) assault:

Not our fault Trump chose the pervert.
Or that the GOP thought forcing Kennedy out was such a clever move.

A psych breakdown. What garbage.

Wait a few more hours and find out. I know you are on the edge and not much else is going on in your life but relax next week a new topic will emerge that you can rant about