Under the terms. Will Ford be sworn in under oath so if she gets caught lying, she could be criminally charged?

Under the terms. Will Ford be sworn in under oath so if she gets caught lying, she could be criminally charged?

She'll be sworn under oath, which is why she'll stay away.

Abso-phucking-lutely, but just as long as Kavanaugh is similarly sworn in.

Not under the terms George Soros' attorney is negotiating for her.

Testimony in front of any House or Senate committee is always sworn under oath.

She will be sworn in.
If she lies, the crime is Perjury to Congress.

Yes. And also she has asked for an FBI investigation. Lying to them is also a felony. And she's taken a polygraph.
Almost sounds like she's not lying, don't you think?

You know who won't take a polygraph? Kavanaugh.

You know who is not testifying under oath? The eye witness Mark Judge that says Kavanaugh is innocent. That's not suspicious at all, is it?

I don't know as I only drive Volvo