2002 ford Taurus windows?

I had a problem with my Taurus doors locking and unlocking by it self. They're lights on the bottom of the mirrors. Lights come on when car is unlocked. To prevent my battery from running down I had the BRIGHT idea of removing bulbs from the rear view mirrors i CUT the wires so now my windows or my sunroof won't roll down. Can some one please tell me how i can fix my windows and sun roof?

I think you cut too many wires. You should have gone to a shop or a Ford dealer to fix the problem of the doors locking and unlocking by themselves.

Get a wiring diagram for the windows and sunroof. Get a multimeter and test light. Learn how to use a multimeter and test light. Start checking for power and ground on the circuit with the windows (or sunroof) being powered (switched on). Use logic and find the failed part or bad wiring.

Reconnect the wire you cut.

Take it to a mechanic before you wreck the next thing with your bright ideas.

Old saying: "You could screw-up a wet dream".

You could have blown a fuse when you cut the wire.

Typical F-word owner… Lol
Reconnect those wires and fix the real problem or have it fixed instead of creating more problems as you've already done to yourself.

There's a possibility you also disabled things like your brake and hazard lights and turn signal lights by cutting them. Not a bright idea at all.

If the doors locking and unlocking is actually not supposed to be happening when it does it could be a faulty fuse, switch, a loose connection, or a short that can be corrected with a very small amount of electrical tape. All very easy and fairly quick fixes for a novice mechanic.

Almost all cars these days after around 2002 or so all automatically lock all the doors when the vehicle reaches 15mph for safety and some of them (optionally in settings somewhere that's easily accessable) unlock the drivers door or all doors when it's put in park again. It might not be something wrong at all, it could just be settings options.