Since Christine Ford has all of these degrees in psychology why hasn't she been able to mentally handle a brief groping in high school?
36 years later its still this giant issue in her life?
A degree in psychology is not a shield from trauma. There's plenty of room for doubt with Ford, but this is just grasping at straws.
Sexual assault has lifelong implications. With you being a misogynist I don't expect you to understand that.
I have gained immense respect for Lindsey Graham. He is a man of extraordinary character. The democrats are showing themselves for what they are--hyperpartisan hacks who have no concern for facts or evidence. They would smear the reputation of an impeccable judge simply for political theater.
"Since US Veterans had all this combat training shouldn't they be able to mentally handle being in combat?"
Yeah… I was trying to show how stupid you sounded but I think I just figured out why Republicans keep cutting support programs for veterans…
Obviously she is not a "normal" person.
I didn't find her credible. LOL Many people have made the same conclusion your question illustrates.
She looks hideous with her turkey neck. I'm sure she was just projecting what she would hope would happen.
I found her hair and voice to seem staged a bit. Isn't she a lecturer… I'm sure her attorney suggested it
The degree would enable her to know the signs and steps required to heal. Why hasn't she taken them?
Her high school trauma likely motivated her to study psychology, both to understand why guys act the way they do and to help her try to overcome her own feelings of helplessness and vulnerability. Now she's had the opportunity offered her to get revenge for those earlier traumas, and to potentially help others who have had similar traumas to recover their confidence and dignity. She may have been paid to appear and coached in how to present herself in the hearings, by others interested in bringing Kavanaugh down.
- Now the thing everybody knew since the beginning has been proven (Christine Ford is a liar) should we believe any woman from here on? Hmm… You know what, i see most women as a potential false accuser now. Gotta sleep with one eye open, gentlemen.
- Is Christine Margaret Blasey Ford just another nut that went into psychology to try to cure herself because she is a loonie? Ford has worked as a research psychologist for Stanford University's Department of Psychiatry and a professor at the Stanford University School of Medicine Collaborative Clinical Psychology Program.
- Why did Christine Blasey Ford's best friend in high school Leland Keyser say she is lying? And why did Ford dismiss her by saying: "Leland has significant health challenges, and I'm happy that she is focusing on herself"" implying her friend was nuts.
- Do you think the yearbook from Christine Blasey Ford's high school was accurate when they described the parties at Holton Arms School? "although these parties are no doubt unforgetable they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene"