Should Ford go to jail for lying?

Should Ford go to jail for lying?


People who make false accusations should get as much time as the crime they are falsely accusing someone of.


As all the evidence on both sides is hearsay, it can't be proven that she did

Yes. And if they find any DNC or Senators involved in her deception, they should all go to jail with the maximum sentence. We can't continue this manipulation of the system.

First of all you would have to prove it, and pretty much everyone, including Republicans, agreed she was credible. Kavanaugh blatantly lied, and that provable just by checking what he said against known facts. So yeah, throw the liar in jail.

She didn't lie.

Yes and put swetnick with her.

No, she isn't lying and a polygraph test verified that she wasn't being deceptive.

Martha Stewart did.