Why do people have children?
I think my mum regrets having me.
She struggled for 10 years to have me and desperately wanted children but now she seems to just resent me.
She never wants to do anything with me and never supports or encourages me.
I'm not allowed out after school or weekends to see my friends ever.
I was never allowed to do after school clubs as my mum couldn't be bothered with all the hassle and doesn't drive so I couldn't get there and back.
My mum is a housewife and my dad is at work all day, money is tight so I no longer get Birthday or Christmas presents since I turned 12 as we can't afford it and I'm too old for that kind of thing.
Kids at school laugh at my old clothes and my mum tells me to live with it.
My mum is always at home and after she's done her chores will just watch tv so not even be with me.
She said I'm not clever enough to go to university one day and will need to get out and get a job and start paying her rent. It's like she can't wait for me to be an adult and gone.
I'm very quiet and shy and I think this could be from never being allowed to do anything. I don't think I've been a real trouble to her as I've always done as I'm told, but she seems so angry if I ask for anything.
She's already told me to never have children as it's not all it's cracked up to be?
Why did she even have me?
I thought parents were meant to love their children.
They are ment to love their babies but you honestly just got unlucky with yours. My parents never let me do anything either but they don't put me down and say mean things like that. Your mom wanted to have kids for a long time. You would think she'd try her best to be a good mom but she's not. Do not listen to her when she tells you stuff like not to have children. Did she expect you to come crawling out and youd know how to do everything yourself and look cute. What did she expect motherhood was suppose to be like. I'm sorry you have a mother like that. She would be a motivation for me to be a even better mom. You could do everything and she wouldnt be happy with it. Just like she can't see that she's being a terrible mom. You seem like a great child. I hope things do change but they probably won't. Count the days when you won't have to deal with her.
People have children because that's what society expects of them. I"m choosing not to have kids.
Cos they stupid
It's because they're not careful during sexual intercourse.
Cause not everyone is like your mom, they probably have them cause they are cute
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