Why do mustangs(94-04) have such a unique sound that's almost like a signature?

Did Ford design the sound purposefully? Can it be duplicated?

That's a false generalization The V-6 models don't sound like the V-8 models and variations within each engine type in different model years caused a wide variation in exhaust sound. Unless you're tone-deaf, a 1994 GT with a 302 doesn't sound anything like a 2004 Cobra with a 281, for example. That said, over the last 25 years Ford has always attempted to achieve a distinctive sound in their sportier vehicles. To duplicate any given sound exactly, you'd need to use the same model engine and same exhaust system as used on the original.

No, IDIOT, Mustangs DO NOT have a unique or "signature" sound. It's the same noise that ALL Ford 5 liter V-8 engines make.

Now, how many more times are you going to post this same STUPID question?

The factory uses rear resonator chambers at the tailpipe to get that rumble, still available aftermarket.

Take your car to an exhaust guru, he should be able to sort your sounds

Since the inception of the Mustang its sound has been a characteristic feature… Mainly for the boys because it leads to rough acceleration and quick car wear out.

The GT would have a 3 valve V-8 engine…

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