Kavanaugh was angry and emotional, Christine Blasey Ford was calm and factual. Who was telling the truth though?
Kavanaugh was angry and emotional, Christine Blasey Ford was calm and factual. Who was telling the truth though?
Added (1). And does truth even matter in the days of Trump?
Kavanaugh was truthful for the most part, except the part where he claimed he never blacked out from drinking. That's when his sexual assaults occurred.
Ford was truthful 100%.
You people are disgusting. Come out from under your blue mask, you sniveling coward.
Liberals always side against the white man- they are racists
A Judge is more believable than the fantasies of a 100% self confessed head shrinker!
It could be both of them were telling the truth as they saw it. But only Ford was factual.
Perhaps Kavanaugh truly does not remember the incident because he was too drunk.
Edit. Yes, the reverse is possible too. It could be a false memory on fords part too. But against that we must weigh that Ford told her doctor about it in 2012, and has been very believable, and has already put everything on the line.
Obviously truth doesn't matter to you liberals. Disgusting
Ford is a lying leftist. She has nothing to lose and everything to gain. She will be a well funded victim for the Democratic party for the rest of her life. Kavanaugh is being destroyed for no good reason other than the leftist's hatred of having lost the election to Trump.
Calm and FACTUAL? Haha
She was neither. She was very nervous and it looked like she was taking some sort of medication. She seemed daffy for a woman who has a phd.
- Is there anyone on earth that believes Christine Blasey Ford told the truth? Or that any democrat in the senate believed her? Or that Senator frankenstein had the letter for months but "forgot" she had the letter until 1 day before the vote? Most of my facebook friends are overseas, and NOT ONE PERSON says he/she believes her BS. The lie detector test had only 2 questions and was given by her lawyer… AND SHE REFUSED TO SHOW THE RESULTS!
- If Blasey-Ford is telling the truth, she could instantly annihilate Kavanaugh with one, short BRAIN-SCAN LIE DETECTOR session. Of course, if? She's lying, she'd be the laughingstock of the century. And these MRI's are very, very accurate. Why won't she just demand they BOTH take one? I mean, since she isn't lying. .
- How do the people that chased Ted Cruz out of that DC restaurant know Ford is telling the truth? They were yelling "we believe survivors" at Cruz. How do they know she is telling the truth?
- Did Kavanaugh come off as the angry white man who is unfit to keep his emotions under control or no? He cried multiple times, he was loud and shouting, when answering questions not cool and calm las Dr Ford under questioning