Kavanaugh FBI report is out! What do you think of it?
"We interviewed 9 people. The allegations are unfounded."
"Did you interview Kavanaugh or Ford?"
"Did you interview the 30 people who called to say that had corroborating testimony?"
I think you're lying
Someone in the FBI got some huge money for that sham "investigation". I wouldn't be shocked to see some agents in shackles in the coming weeks/months. Mall security guards run better investigations than that for shoplifting.
That "investigation" was a sham from the beginning. When it comes to background checks, the White House is the FBI's customer, and the customer is king.
None of the witnesses has corroborated any of the accusations under oath, and they have already submitted sworn statements.
Why did trump have to limit it? Why wasn't Ramirez interviewed? I think brett and trump are hiding something.
So much winning. Feels great
The testimonies were already available for investigators. Nothing but a liberal delay tactic.
Sometimes you finally have to admit that "whatever it takes" has failed… Move on loser.
I don't think anything about it, I haven't seen it, and neither have you.
They who write on chithouse walls
roll their turds in little balls
those who read these words of wit
eat everything the MSM feeds them.
- What do you make of this July 1st, 1982 calendar entry by Kavanaugh? Should the FBI have a look at Timmy's house? "Go to Timmy's for skis [brewskies] w/ Judge, Tom, PJ, Bernie, Squi" https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/9/28/17914174/brett-kavanaugh-calendar-christine-blasey-ford
- If you have a judgment against you on your credit report will you still be able to buy a house? Judgment is from 2008 and it's from Ford motor credit on mileage when we turned in a leased vehicle
- Do you think trump is right? The Kavanaugh attack on ms. Ford wasn't As bad as she said it was? https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1043126336473055235?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-27909209561040765479.ampproject.net%2F1809142227020%2Fframe.html
- Do you think that the reason Ford didn't tell anyone is because she wanted Kavanaugh to try again? If she told anyone, that would be the end of any possible relationship. If she didn't tell anyone, she still had a chance. She had protected her honor and he obviously believed her. Now, if he would only try again, things might work out. It didn't work out and so there are these sour grapes.