Is Trump incorrect that Ford knew almost nothing about the fabricated incident set up to destroy a legitimate court nominee? Face it. She?

Remembered some things that are usually forgotten and insignificant yet crucial to damn a man's character, yet forgot things most people would remember.

Added (1)..
November's coming and these cheap, childish, jabs below the belt are NOT making the other party look particularly honorable.

Trump is a serial liar

A few of the senators that questioned her are former prosecutors and in their experience the victims often can't remember everything and often only remember certain moments of an attack, usually when survival mode kicks in BUT in her job also knows this so she d be well aware as to how to sound a credible witness

Ford is a liar and doing this as a smear job Is Trump incorrect that Ford knew almost nothing about the fabricated incident set up to destroy a legitimate court nominee Face it. She

I'll be honest, it seems very much like the whole thing was set up to try to stop this guy being appointed, perhaps because he could decide or vote not to impeach Trump for treason, which he is pretty much guilty of if he's sold himself to Russia for their help fixing the election. I mean that's debatable, the treason part, not that he's guilty of some sort of collusion, and various crimes, that's a given. While it does seem like a set up, I'm not fully aware of all the reasons they might be doing that, which could make it justified, maybe. The whole US government just seems like it's a childish game, covering up a bunch of criminals. Sometimes, the worst of the worst.

You have the usual boring response that a white male would have who is determined to stand up for white male-dom and refuses to learn what is going on. Sad.