Is this why we need to get Mark Judge under oath?

When Christine Blasey Ford publicly came forward with her sexual-assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, she named conservative writer Mark Judge as Kavanaugh's alleged accomplice during the incident.

Both Judge and Kavanaugh have denied Ford's allegations; Judge also claimed that "no horseplay" occurred at the Georgetown Prep parties they attended.

But, in a Sunday night report by the New Yorker, Judge's ex-girlfriend of three years Elizabeth Rasor says he told her a "very different story" about those parties.

Rasor says that Judge "told her ashamedly" about an incident in which he and other boys took turns having sex with a drunk woman.

Well well well, an ex girlfriend comes out to discredit a witness… If I was in any way political, I'd be ashamed of the depths that the Democrats will sink to to get their members into power.

Lol From Attorney Avenatti.

Kavanaugh is not even named as being at the party in question. What his FRIEND supposedly did has absolutely no bearing on Kavanaugh.

Put Rasor under oath. Make sure she knows she is facing severe jail time for perjury… See how fast her story changes.

Thanks for the link to your fantasy.

No idea

Judge admitted being a part of that. What does Kavanaugh have to do with it?