Is Rachel Mitchell splitting hairs to make Dr Ford look like a liar?

Is Rachel Mitchell splitting hairs to make Dr Ford look like a liar?

Ford is doing a great job of that herself. Mitchell is tearing Ford apart!

Where did she get the hairs

That's what lawyers do. If you can't tell a consistent story it's either because you are lying, or you don't really remember what happened.

So far I've seen Mitchell do nothing but be supportive to Dr. Ford. That's an odd tactic, I'll admit.

She's trying to. But anyone who's honestly paying attention sees Dr Ford as credible. The GOP's attempt to save Kavanaugh is failing spectacularly.

She does not have to do that. Republican senators already claim that she will be lying before she says anything today. No minds will be changed either way. Democrats will vote against Kavanaugh whether she is credible or not. The key is the female senators from Maine and Alaska. If they find her credible, Kavanaugh is likely to go down.

What do you want? Ford to be treated as a queen?

Not "make her look like"

More like Expose The FACT that

She is a liar she those hairs are easy to split.

Republicans were smart in hiring a woman to question her, you know how bad it would look to have 11 republican men questioning her.