Is Ford busy studying her script?

Is Ford busy studying her script?

You're getting nervous, aren't yah? BLAH HA HA HA!

Ford is busy studying her script and the committee is studying their grandstanding talking points.

Only Fox News presenters are provided with scripts telling them what their opinions are each day. It's well documented for former employees, as well as what catch phrases they have to use and how often. That's where "Obama hates America and wants to purposefully destroy America!" came from, which they said about a million times a day for 8 years. Kind of funny how he doubled the DOW, got Bin Laden, made the dollar the strongest ever, got unemployment back to 5%, and got the deficit back down to Bush levels.

Kavanaugh is the one being "prepared." He was at the White House the other day practicing his script and going over the questions Republicans had given to him in advance that will be asked at the hearing.

It was already written by Hollywood's finest. She is just memorizing it and she will probably have an earpiece so she can get coached while testifying.

She will probably not appear since she will be put under oath and have to go to jail.

Possibly. She and her lawyer know Republicans only want these hearings in order to catch her in a 'gotcha' question. They will be fishing for an excuse to discredit her entire story.

I bet she never even shows up. In fact I bet its pre planned so the democrats can scream, rant and rave and ask for a delay. Then accuse the republicans of shaming her, lol.

Kavanaugh is the one who has gone through prep sessions in order to try to project a saintly and sincere demeanor.

One can certainly understand why Ford was initially reluctant to come forward, considering all the hate and venom that is being directed at her. She is under a great deal of pressure. She is also going to be questioned by a hired prosecutor whom the cowardly Republican senators have employed.

She already blew it. She stated that she "thought " Kav was "there" when someone was raping her. If she starts changing it she won't have credibility even for that wimpy claim.

Thats why their paying off a bunch of new women to suddenly remember.

Seen this before, gonna see it until the voters reject liberal scheming.