If Kavanaugh testifies first how will Committee members know what to ask him if they haven't heard the details of Ford's allegations?

If Kavanaugh testifies first how will Committee members know what to ask him if they haven't heard the details of Ford's allegations?

I swear liberalism is a mental disorder.

Don't expect an honest answer from liberals. They will just saying something stupid like this isn't a court case therefore hamstringing the accused is okay.

They don't want him to tell her story, they want to hear his.

For 1000s of years the procedure has been that the accuser presents their case the the defendant has the opportunity to respond. Just as in baseball the batter is not required to swing until after the pictch has been thrown.

They can call him back. This isn't a trial doofus. He is not under any threat of sentencing. There's no standard of proof. There are no standards of evidence. There's no right to legal representation. It is an inquiry into the character and qualifications of someone proposed for a powerful position. A job interview.

The prosecution ( those making the allegation) always present their case first. Then the defendant refutes those allegations.

What you are asking is that we turn ordinary due process upside down and that Kavanaugh be required to prove his innocence before hearing the case against him.

It's bizarre

The Democrat demand is preposterous (as usual).

He actually already did in a closed door thing. It was pretty brief.

They have made up their minds and don't need to listen to evidence.