If Christine Balsey Ford could stop Kavanaugh's nomination, would she be given tenure for life by liberal arts universities?

If Christine Balsey Ford could stop Kavanaugh's nomination, would she be given tenure for life by liberal arts universities?

Hopefully. She will have stopped a sexual abuser from sitting on the nation's highest court. That deserves recognition.

Sure. Christine sticks to people like glue. A very persuasive woman.

There are no such things as "liberal arts universities." A school that teaches only liberal arts is not a university.

But more to your point: she already has tenure, and once you have it, you don't need it again.

No… No one is paying or rewarding her for this… Maybe you guys operate that way, I dunno…

Soon as the democrats are done using her they will drop Christine Balsey Ford like a hot potaote whether she blocks Kavanaugh's confirmation or not.

Christine is not the point of interest here Kavanaugh is.

Trump should nominate someone else.

Not only does she already have tenure as a University Psychology Professor, but 200 fellow HS students that knew her at that time do not think she could lie about this. Although 65 who knew Kav back then supported his character, 63 backed away from that when they heard her accusations.

On Monday, a letter signed by more than 200 alumnae of the private girls' school Ford attended in Bethesda, Maryland - Holton-Arms - was released. The draft letter reads in part:

We believe Dr. Blasey Ford and are grateful that she came forward to tell her story. It demands a thorough and independent investigation before the Senate can reasonably vote on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to a lifetime seat on the nation's highest court.
Meanwhile, the 65 women who initially signed a letter in support of Kavanaugh are reportedly now staying silent, with only two saying they still support him.

Dr Ford is already a tenured professor.