How can Ford possibly prove her accusations because when she was 17 she didn't go to the FBI?

How can Ford possibly prove her accusations because when she was 17 she didn't go to the FBI?

The lady who came forward about Al Franken proved her accusation by providing some evidence: How can Ford possibly prove her accusations because when she was 17 she didn t go to the FBI

Confidential sources report Ford attended many " parties " turning tricks in the guest rooms to support her drug habit.

Also, she's a DNC floozie that hates Trump.

She was 15 and she can't, she can't even say the date it happened, the only thing she can prove is that she is a liar.

And the FBI wouldn't have investigated what any sentient adult knows is a local crime, handled by local law enforcement.

However, she didn't go to them, either. Didn't tell anybody who could have done anything, didn't even confide in any friends that it happened.

She can't possibly prove her accusations because there's nothing and nobody to support her accusations.

So it doesn't matter what she says or believes happened, because it may as well have been fabricated out of whole cloth for all the proof there's of it.

Which is why Grassley should have shut it down immediately as a delaying tactic and went to an immediate vote.

So you're saying that even if it's true, but since she can't prove it, that she should have stayed quiet and let the senate put her attacker onto the the Supreme Court as fast as possible?

Seems to me cons would not believe their own daughters or wives.