Have libs ever considered the reason NO ONE has backed up Christine Ford's allegations is because it never happened?

Have libs ever considered the reason NO ONE has backed up Christine Ford's allegations is because it never happened?

Dozens of people backed it up though. They testified to her honesty and character. Even Trump called her testimony "credible".

The Left (which is what you mean by libs) is not concerned with facts, justice, or truth. Those things are irrelevant to the Left.

The Left views this struggle over the Supreme Court as being the end of the world if they don't win. It also isn't only about Kavanaugh as the Left knows Trump will be able to nominate at least one more Justice and probably more between now and 2024.

Realize the Left MUST prevent the USSC from being majority-conservative for them to have any hope of abolishing the Electoral College. If the Left can nullify the EC then no-ID states like CA and NY can simply manufacture however many votes are required to win the "national popular vote".

There are other things the Left wants that also require preventing the USSC from being majority-conservative, such as letting non-citizens vote and having "open borders".

It's just a coincidence that every single part of her story that could be verified she doesn't remember but everything she does remember is damaging to Kavanaugh.

No really!

Another reason is political. Like Kavanaugh said… The reason for him being there. He intents to do away with women's rights.

Sure. But of course, Kavanaugh sought privacy in the bathroom. He locked the door I believe.

Kavanaugh's a conspiracy theorist. Not the kind of justice I want on the SC.

They know that very well.

That's why they moved on to temperament and beer problems… LOL

Grabbing at straws

Coory booker even says Kavanaugh shouldn't be appointed even if all allegations are false.

Yes… Accuse a man of drugging and gangraping women and then say he should be disqualified for vehemently denying it. WOAH

Not only has no one backed her up.

all the witnesses she named said she was lying.