Has anyone tried to search for anything negative on Christine Blasey Ford? I tried search engines, all positive stuff?
Has anyone tried to search for anything negative on Christine Blasey Ford? I tried search engines, all positive stuff?
The web does not have ALL info for each person
I have not found anything about her that is older than 4 days ago except a few research papers.
- Is there anyone on earth that believes Christine Blasey Ford told the truth? Or that any democrat in the senate believed her? Or that Senator frankenstein had the letter for months but "forgot" she had the letter until 1 day before the vote? Most of my facebook friends are overseas, and NOT ONE PERSON says he/she believes her BS. The lie detector test had only 2 questions and was given by her lawyer… AND SHE REFUSED TO SHOW THE RESULTS!
- Are you surprised the right hasn't tried to come up with anything for Michael Avenatti yet? They've portrayed Hillary Clinton as a child/uranium trafficker, Obama as being a Russian spy, and Christine Ford as a secret agent of George Soros. You'd think maybe they'd accuse Avenatti of being in the mafia or something?