Had Brett remained calm & admitted to being a heavy drinker at Yale while insisting he didn't attack Dr. Ford, would he be confirmed by now?
Had Brett remained calm & admitted to being a heavy drinker at Yale while insisting he didn't attack Dr. Ford, would he be confirmed by now?
No. None of that has anything to do with this. The dems are willing to say and do ANYTHING to ANYONE in order to delay this past the election.
NO. That means the Senate would completely ignore Dr. Ford's testimony.
Short of sprouting a halo and wings, no. Don't even know if that would have been good enough for these evil Democrats.
No. Credible allegations of sexual assault, such as those brought by Dr. Ford, deserve to be investigated. This is especially true when the alleged attacker is facing a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. Conservatives have lost sight of this common sense reality in their blind rush to substitute loyalty for honesty.
Maybe. His loutish, childish behavior indicates he COULD have attacked her and blacked it out. As it is, he misrepresented his drinking before Congress which is grounds for disbarment to say nothing of his nomination.
Maybe. His defensiveness did not look good. He was in a job interview and as a business owner who hires employees, I can't imagine even considering someone who behaved the way kavanaugh behaved during the hearing. His anger, his partisan nature doesn't look good on a Supreme Court nominee.
That's "Judge Kavanaugh" to you.
His odds might be better.
Right now, the strongest argument against confirmation is that he lied under oath to the Judiciary Committee. Not 36 years ago, but just last week.
He carefully admitted to drinking beer. He carefully did not admit to drinking any hard liquor. He is lying his asss off.
- Why did Ford say she didn't tell anyone about the attack until 2012, but one of her classmate said everyone spoke about it for days? After it happened? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/...chool.html
- Since Ford is liar who will not face the accused, will Judge Kavanaugh now be confirmed after being endorsed by President George Bush? Everyone who is accused in the United States, under Constitutional Law has a right to face the accuser in a judicial hearing. Federal State and Local. I will not be bullied by left wing liars of Bernie Sanders. WOMEN FOR JUDGE KAVANAUGH SCOTUS
- Now, as Kavanaugh has been confirmed, which legal or institutional opportunities will he have to retaliate for Christine Ford's allegations? She said she would have to flee to New Zealand if Kavanaugh was confirmed, so evidently she feared that he would try to revenge himself on her.
- How come Sen. Warren had to provide evidence of her past, while Dr. Ford didn't? Aren't we supposed to believe all women no matter what? Isn't physical evidence supposed to be a lower form of proof than a woman's testimony? Couldn't Sen. Warren just have cried a lot in a little-girl voice to prove she's part Native American? It's hilarious that libs can't answer this.