Ford stumbles in her web of lies. Is it time for the leftist creeps to admit Kavanaugh is a shoe in?
Ford stumbles in her web of lies. Is it time for the leftist creeps to admit Kavanaugh is a shoe in?
She's not well. She needs your services.
You seem to mistake your MAGAsphere for reality
She has contradicted herself, but i think it's more in an attempt to protect a certain politician.
That's you saying she stumbled. I didn't see the interview, so I certainly can't take your opinion as to what happened.
Is this how you'll teach your kids to treat women who come forward with serious allegations of sexual impropriety?
- What is leftist icon Christine Ford up to these days? Is she still making up lies about people touching her 35 years ago? Or did she just take the money, and run? ANON- so people donated money to her because she was "assaulted", and she in turn donates that same money to people who were assaulted?
- Wasn't not being able to testify against his wife the key reason Ford's husband backed her lies? Ford, who didn't tell her best friend who she told everything or her husband while they were dating obviously was a twisted drunken loner full of hate and anger
- Look at where Christine Ford and her blatant lies have led us? When you think you believe a woman no matter what, just think of your dad or nephew or brother and think that they could go to jail for no reason just because the courts favor women 10x more.
- Hey libs, I just set my ford truck on fire to show christina we won't tolerate her lies, does that trigger yeh? I just set my ford truck on fire to show christina we won't tolerate her lies, does that trigger yeh?