Ford's lawyer is saying that it's routine for lawyers to pay for their clients lie detector tests. On what planet do lawyers do this?

Normal lawyers charge for everything they do.

Lawyers even charge for their HVAC and other office expenses, paperclips, xeroxing, everything.

Ford's lawyer must think we're all as stupid as Democrats.

Have you never heard of pro-bono work?

And do you not know how a retainer works?

Who cares she got it free ha

Just another brick in the wall of lies the Democrats are building.

All them do but when your invoiced its not called lie detector fee. It's call lawyer fee.
so the clients pay for it just not directlty.

If it's pro bono they would. That doesn't mean they're U2 fans incidentally.

The lawyer probably just advanced the money. It'll appear on the invoice one way or another, I'm sure.

In any case, thank you for supporting the?

More FAKE NEWS from the left's favorite gristmills. Ford s lawyer is saying that it s routine for lawyers to pay for their clients lie detector tests. On what planet do lawyers do this

LOL you're right!