Ford axing several thousand jobs. Is this more proof that Trump has been lying about the economy and jobs numbers?

Ford axing several thousand jobs. Is this more proof that Trump has been lying about the economy and jobs numbers?

It's a failing product.

In the scheme of things, several thousand high paying auto worker jobs are easily erased by things such as summer theme park hiring.

Ford needs to lower their prices

No, but your question is proof you know very little about economics or how big business works. When a large company like Ford takes an action like this, you can be sure it has its origin several years back. They don't make knee-jerk decisions that have long-term implications based on short-term considerations.

This has been in the planning since Obama was president, you can be sure of that.

Trump doesn't know the difference between truth and lies.

The US Added 263,000 new hires in April, easily beating Wall Street expectations of 190,000.

The unemployment rate fell to 3.6% vs. 3.8% expected and the lowest since December 1969.

The NUMBERS don't lie… Try to keep up with the big picture

In a good economy, competition is cut-throat. When jobs numbers become stagnant, that's a bad thing.

Imho. Ford was built/created on a simple premise. To build an afFORDable car/truck for the masses. Now they build car and trucks that cost more than houses. Fords failure today is only proof of their failure not anyone else's. "Don't find fault. Find a remedy!" -Henry Ford

Commie Obanga sucks.