How many Months do you have to non pay on a car loan before they repo it?

A friend of mines girlfriend just got her car repoed and the want 1500 to get it out. Nor she or her boyfriend have it. He said he was never aware that she was behind? 2013 Ford focus

Each loan company has their own deadlines, and they only care about being paid for the merchandise that they provided the loan for… The loan company does NOT have the vehicle, but a tow yard does, and that 1500 would go towards them + interest will be added daily

Depends on the lien holder.

It depends on the dealer, but the car will probably be gone as soon as they find another buyer.

They can legally repo it one minute late. But they usually don't for 45-90 days. It varies.

Then they would want the loan to be totally caught up, plus the repo fee plus daily storage fees.

How can someone not know they forgot to pay?

It is not months it is days