When General Motors was going bankrupt and Obama bailed them out where they for sale to companies like Ford?

Were they for sale to companies like Ford or did they refuse to sell out to another company and would rather disappear forever?

NO, they weren't for sale, obummer just bailed em out, no questions asked.

They were not for sale. Just needed a cash infusion.

By definition bankruptcy means liabilities exceed assets and the company has no value.
Ford had their own problems and had no use for taking on GM's liabilities.
Chrysler was in even worse shape and had to be given to Fiat for free, Fiat just agreed to keep running it in exchange for the perceived value Jeep might have in the future, and to get their foot back in the door for US sales.

They weren't for sale… They just needed money to service their liabilities.

And they paid back that money IN FULL.