On estimate, how much would insurance be for a 2005 Ford Fiesta?

I'm turning 17 soon and recently purchased a Ford Fiesta. I'm just wondering how much would you estimate that the insurance would be?

Since there are so many factors that determine insurance rates, such as where you live and drive, that there's no way anyone can give you even an approximate cost. So, the best way is to simply call a few insurance companies and ASK. There's no harm or obligation when you simply ask for rate quotes.

BTW, at only 17 years old, you can't have your own insurance, so it should be your parents who call the insurance companies since you would be driving under their policy.

Who can tell… You got a fiesta. But you never said what model or engine size… Important in the uk

1. You won't have your own insurance
2. You don't own the car- your parents do
3. Have mommy or daddy call their agent to add both you and the car on their policy.

Understand something, you are a minor, and minors can't do much with legal issues, i.e. Car ownership/insurance.