Is it possible to drive a 2015 Ford fiesta or focus acorss america?

From new York state to California and all the way back to NYS. Is it possible to finish this road trip in a ford fiesta or ford focus. If not, what kinda cars the do this?

Any new car would do this given the proper care. God awful uncomfortable in a Fiesta, but it would make the trip safely.

With regular maintenance, you could cross the country many, many times. The Fiesta or Focus would do well on fuel economy for long trips, but they would not be really comfortable. You might get tired of it after the first 1000 miles or so.

Why do you think a new car could not do this?
any new car today will go 200K w/o too much trouble

Um yes! I have a 2014 Focus and it's been a few trips. I've driven it to New York, Ontario (Canada), and Georgia all from Ohio. The car did just fine.
Plus I have a friend who drove a '97 Chevy cavalier convertible from California to Ohio with 200 thousand miles and it made it.

Of course it is, I don't really understand why you think it wouldn't

it will just take a few days and a lot of driving

Why wouldn't it be possible?

Of course it is.