Will most American vehicles be obsolete in the future?

I live in Ontario Canada, and yes I do see some F150's and RAMS out on the road, but other than that its mostly Japanese cars.

Everyday I see at leasy 20 Civics in my 40 minute commute to work and back. Many corollas and lots of Mazda's. Even Hyundai are pretty good.

I rarely see any American cars, I only see the older ones from the early 2000's. I rarely see any Chrysler cars, I do see some Caravans, but not much Chargers.

Once in a blue moon I will see a Ford sedan or SUV.

American cars generally are badly made using cheap materials, have awful mpg and reliability in comparison to other manufacturers plus weak residuals.

The competition make better cars. If the US companies want to stay in the game they need to make what people want to buy.

Mazda is a Ford with a Mazda label. Ford is more European and Canadian than it is American. Levi's are not American either.

It will not matter. If there are no American vehicles on the streets, America will be burning and looting will be all over. When GM, Ford and Chrysler (and Boeing) are dead, America is dead.

Hi the issue is most american cars waste fuel and are unreliable. Unlike japanese made car. Reliable and more fuel efficient.

Driving around on the streets of Toronto, yes, the majority of vehicles are from Asian and European auto makers.

I was in Michigan the previous weekend and noticed quite the opposite. A strong majority of vehicles were US brands. Imports made up a small minority of vehicles on their roads. I know you can't use an hour's drive into MI as a representation of the buying habits of all Americans but if true, the buying habits of 325 million is enough to support the US auto industry.

Another thing to keep in mind is China. Car sales in China is huge and 1 out of every 10 vehicles sold in China is a GM. Ford has just over 4% of the market in China. Although the US auto exports to China peaked in 2014 at just under $12 billion, it's still significant ( Trump's escalating trade wars with China are too recent. It will take some time to see what effect this will have on the US auto trade ).

In other words, I would not count out the US automakers based on what you see on your local Ontario roads

The American car industry has failed to weigh up the competition. It happened to us in the UK when the Japs wiped out every motorcycle firm with the exception of Triumph. Unless your manufacturers wake up and start building fuel efficient reliable cars they are doomed for certain.

Sure hope not. I have a 1929 Ford model A, and I don't think it will EVER be obsolete.

Go to the CANADIAN Prairies and you will virtually nothing but American P/up trucks with some American cars thrown into the mix and a few Import cars.

What you need to realize is that Ontario isn't the center of the Universe and that the rest of the country does not follow Ontario's lead.

The Big ones yes most Americans want economy from a Motor Vehicle and an Asian sedan gives just that My friend Purchased a 3 cylinder Suzuki and in 2 years had 120,000 on it traded in for a 4 cylinder Suzuki