I have a 03 ford expedition and my brake lights not coming on?

I have a 03 ford expedition and my brake lights not coming on? - 1

Have a mechanic replace the brake light switch in the pivot mechanism right above the brake pedal - Not a big job.

Fuse. Brake switch. Most likely causes. Turn signal switch rarely or bulbs.

Well ok first ya check the fuse… Is it good? Then the bulbs. Are they good? So if they are then get out your volt/ohm meter and start checking which did you loose ground or power… Remember the cut the harness in half in your mind thing… Do you have wiring diagrams?
or you can wing it a start replacing whatever components people here tell you to replace. Eventually they will work… Provided it's a component and not a wire…

If it is not a fuse then most likely it is indeed a bad brake light switch down behind your brake pedal.