Even a liberal rag like the Hill just posted that Christine Ford's claims are not credible LMAO what now?

Even a liberal rag like the Hill just posted that Christine Ford's claims are not credible LMAO what now?

Time so exhale and gain a judge

Now you stop posting rants and maybe people stop reporting them.

After the FBI report he is home free

You on the rag

Christine Blasey Ford has a credibility problem
The Hill · 7 hours ago

Kavanaugh, Ford hit with attacks over credibility
The Hill · 7 hours ago

According to Google results, they both do, at exactly the same hour.

They are now looking for other ways to discredit him. Like how he drank beer, as if none of them ever did.

I thought she was credible and Kavanaugh was not credible.

Most normal people consider it right of center.

"The Hill" might be a liberal rag but the opinion piece you are referring to is written by… Lisa Boothe is a senior fellow of Independent Women's Voice, a conservative policy organization, and a Fox News contributor. She has worked for multiple Republican members of Congress and political campaigns.

Well, OK. That's one prosecutor's opinion and the writer of the article contributes to FOX news, your article (I assume this is your article) says. I think she does raise some valid points though.

On the other hand why would Christine even do this if she weren't motivated by the truth? She's putting her reputation and even career on the line. I suppose perhaps she could be losing it. Your article says she seems to have trouble remembering recent events. But even if she is, that doesn't mean that it never happened.

It's a tough one. It really is. The opinion of one prosecutor isn't going to be the opinion that ends it all. Many things have to be weighed. And yes, it still will probably come down to "He said She said."