Does Ford expect us to believe she could see through that bag over her head that night?
Does Ford expect us to believe she could see through that bag over her head that night?
She was too busy watching from outside the window, wishing she could be at the party.
awww the coward blue troll (aka bada) thinks I support Bill Clinton. Too funny
Men are required to always believe women. How about you go be a mysogonist somewhere else
Another person who didn't watch the testimony making stuff up.
Yes. She is counting on it
- Since Ford was helpless to use her brain to get the attention she wanted, isn't it great she can play dumb & say her body was used? To get a book that sells? "My only witness denies the event and I don't know anyone else that went to the party… And I don't know how I got home… I was such a loner that I had ZERO friends that noticed I was traumatized or that I could tell. I was drunk for 3 years and hated my parents but look at me now… I have authoritah!
- Should the FBI be investigating Dr. Ford? We can easily see Dr. Ford has changed her story, gave her story to the Media instead of? Standing tall and testifying, refuses to be investigated, deleted her social media account history and emails and has all the earmarks of a Leftist that Hates Trump enough to distort the facts or lie. The FBI has investigated Kavanaugh 6 times, why not Dr. Ford?
- Ford has admitted that she was drinking the night of the party and that her memory of the events might be impaired? She also had never met Kavanaugh before. Given all of this and given that no one else can remember Kavanaugh being at the party isn't it likely that she made a mistake
- Blasey Ford if you go back and see her face when she first enters the courtroom tells you she is a liar.She is to damn happy.Right? Blasey Ford if you go back and see her face when she first enters the courtroom tells you she is a liar. She is to damn happy.Right?