Do you think Dr. Ford would have been able to stop Kavanaugh if she had gone public earlier?
Do you think Dr. Ford would have been able to stop Kavanaugh if she had gone public earlier?
Added (1). like, when he was on the short list, before his nomination.
Very possibly. I think she was telling the truth.
Now, if you had said "pubic" it would have been clever. Anita Hill clever. You were so close…
No. The GOP had the game rigged.
Yes. She's telling the truth.
No because she lied
Nope. Feinstein sat on Ford's letter BECAUSE her allegation against Kavanaugh was obvious BS.
No! But I'm sure a bunch of stupid brain dead indoctrinated liberal idiots believe they would have been able to stop Kavanaugh if she had gone public earlier
No. Her story is garbage, she has no evidence to support her case, and none of her witnesses checked out.
- What did you think of the testimony earlier? Did it change your mind? It made me go from full-on supporting Ford to wanting the state of Maryland to investigate. If a crime happened, it was at the state level. I believe Ford's testimony to be credible enough to warrant some kind of investigation.
- Typical lib thinking? Ford had no idea when it happened, had no idea how she got there, no idea how she left, clueless who was there? And despite that every person she listed as a witness made a statement in a sense said Ford was wrong… The lib brain… Get even at Trump…> yep - Kavanaugh did it.
- If you have a judgment against you on your credit report will you still be able to buy a house? Judgment is from 2008 and it's from Ford motor credit on mileage when we turned in a leased vehicle
- How many hours of coaching has Christine Ford had so far and how many hours of total coaching will she have gone through before Thursday? Coaching from the hardcore Democrat socialists like her lawyer Katz that wears socialist t shirts at anti Trump rallies and her rabid associates paid for by Soros?