Do libs realize that not one person has backed up anything that the unstable Dr. Ford has alleged?
Do libs realize that not one person has backed up anything that the unstable Dr. Ford has alleged?
Added (1). Look at sadcat making a jerk of himself again. Lol
They really do not care. They only want him to stay off the S C
They don't care. It's all about revenge for their humiliating loss in 2016
I don't think they care. And they rarely think things through. If they did they would be terrified of the world they are creating.
Libs are at a total loss
Actually, no.
They honestly believe she has all kinds of corroboration and witnesses ON HER SIDE. You see, some people do agree that years ago Dr. Ford told THEM that something like this happened to her. For Libs, that's proof that it's TRUE. That's "backing up the story" in the mind of The Left.
Sexual assault is not usually done in public. The one person who was there, Mark Judge, has now testified to the FBI. We'll see if he was willing to lie to them to cover for his friend
Yet all his friends are dumping on him. Of course Dr. Ford has no backers since no one else was in the room. Aside from her, Brett and his buddy.
Funny thing about sexual assault: men don't commit the crime in public.
At least three other women have alleged that Brett Kavanaugh attacked them in some fashion. Why?
They know that very well.
That's why they have moved on to his other issues like temperament, beer etc etc.
Kavanaugh has always said in the committee that he enjoys drinking beer a LOT. When he was asked if he ever had blackout, he said no. That's still true.
Are they the kinds to care about corroboration of outlandish claims that came only 4 decades after the fantasy allegedly occurred?
- What is Ford's excuse for not reporting this alleged crime 36 years ago when a proper investigation could have been done? Even if you say that the police would have not taken it seriously back then, it would still have been on file and came up during the FBI background check.
- Wasn't not being able to testify against his wife the key reason Ford's husband backed her lies? Ford, who didn't tell her best friend who she told everything or her husband while they were dating obviously was a twisted drunken loner full of hate and anger
- Rush Limbaugh said that American voting public will no longer fall for media-backed October Surprises. What say you? Specifically, Rush equated the Dr Ford fiasco, the Stormy lawsuit (now thrown out by the judge), and Elizabeth Warrens pathetic attempt at proving her heritage to a combo of October Surprises that just fell flat
- Libs here's your chance' Ms. Ford claimed 4 people were witness to her accusation. Not one of them corroborated anything she claimed? So explain why she should be believed and Kavanaugh shouldn't. And don't forget Judge backed up what Kavanaugh said.