Could Ford have been anymore annoying with that liars voice of hers?

My God, this is what happens when you lie.

She testified she is "biologically predisposed" to mental illness. Sounded like she was preparing an insanity defense.

What color is the sky in conservatives' world?

Her voice? That's the best you have?

She is a pathological liar

You've lost the case.

So, her testimony was well-done and very credible.

The right is desperate

Did you want expired kraft cheese with that whine?

I do not know why these Leftist Females all talk through their noses. They all sound exactly alike.

I'm Legally Blind, so when I "Watch" TV, I pick out the actors by their voices, I'm pretty good at distinguishing one from the other. Not these women with their Nasal Downspeak/

She sounded very careful… The way a liar would.