Christine Blasey Ford did seem really stupid for a college professor or is that why college kids don't learn much?

Christine Blasey Ford did seem really stupid for a college professor or is that why college kids don't learn much?

Compared to crying Brett?

No, she was just nervous, emotional and hated being there and being in this situation.

She has no evidence. None zero. Nothing.

What did she seem stupid about? Because you didn't understand her, that does not make her the stupid one.

It's amazing to me how these leftist professors lower our childrens IQ scores.

Covfefe stupid or Obama is a Muslim from Kenya stupid

Do you think Kavanaugh is smart enough to do her job. Kavanaugh couldn't even keep his lies straight.

That's YOUR OPINION of her. YOU have ZERO professional credibility. Dr. Ford is qualified to be an EXPERT witness in court. YOU are NOT. She was NOT ON TRIAL last Thursday.

No one CARES what YOUR opinion is.

Keep your feelings to yourself,

Nobody believes anything you say.