Car gas pedal problem?

Hi. I seem to be having with my Ford Mondeo MK3 petrol car (2005) gas pedal. My mechanic told me it was normal, but I have my doubts. Allow me to explain:

The gas pedal seems to sit lower than it should, and I can lift the pedal up by about 1 to 2 inches with no resistance and let it fall down again. The car seems to accelerate ok if I remind myself to push my foot down further than I naturally would but its quite an awkward thing to put up with. If I forget to push down more then I take off really slowly (with judders as would be expected when not enough gas is being applied). I checked all the gas pedals of my family members cars and none of them are like this. Is this normal or can I do something about it?

Just to add, the pedal only wiggles upwards, and not side to side.

Check to find out if the throttle body opens to full throttle with the gas pedal to the floor. If it fails to open all the way adjust the cable.
Pull the drivers seat forward until you can reach the gas pedal and recline the seat back to get comfortable. Fords always feel awkward to me when I test drive them.

Sounds like a faulty throttle body

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