Can I start the mefirst movement so Ford can justify her as she goes fantacy?
Can I start the mefirst movement so Ford can justify her as she goes fantacy?
No wonder women have no respect for the GOP. They have none for them.
- Since Ford was helpless to use her brain to get the attention she wanted, isn't it great she can play dumb & say her body was used? To get a book that sells? "My only witness denies the event and I don't know anyone else that went to the party… And I don't know how I got home… I was such a loner that I had ZERO friends that noticed I was traumatized or that I could tell. I was drunk for 3 years and hated my parents but look at me now… I have authoritah!
- Blasey Ford if you go back and see her face when she first enters the courtroom tells you she is a liar.She is to damn happy.Right? Blasey Ford if you go back and see her face when she first enters the courtroom tells you she is a liar. She is to damn happy.Right?