Bush make, ford 6000cd V263922 code please hope you can
Bush make, ford 6000cd V263922 code please hope you can - 1
Cost is £1.95 from http://ukbookshelf.co.uk/fordv
Hi why it has pssed it's deign date that when ford fitted these radios they where never meant to last long 5 years if your lucky.
- Trump is a Racist, but hasn't everyone forgot Romney, McCain, Bush, Dole, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, Goldwater and Ike? Well actually hasn't the race-bating started to intensified since Reagan? How quickly we forget every 4 years and the chants and the driving narrative of the Left? @Grundoon, You're making the same old defense that is part of the prevailing narrative made by the Media and Hollywood themselves. @ xg6 , Actually it began in the late 1970's, until 1965 Democrats had nothing to stand on and there was no Jessie Jackson or Al Sharptons.
- Need radio code for Ford 6000CD? Hi Guys I need a radio code for a Ford 6000CD. Changed my battery and now can't get the stereo to work and having no radio in the car is killing me lol. The Serial no is M181495.
- Can someone get a code for my ford 6000cd? I need to get the code for my ford 6000 cd the v number is 272614 can anybody help? part no. 6s61-18c815-aj