Are those who believe Ford without any evidence or witnesses just politically motivated to try anything at this point to slander a good man?

Are those who believe Ford without any evidence or witnesses just politically motivated to try anything at this point to slander a good man?

Added (1). or just gullible


It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh, c0ntard.

If you aren't willing to be a victim of politics, then stay out of it.

Ask Lindsey Graham

When the Senator from California sat on this letter from her for two months I find it to be very politically.
Former SSgt.

What is the difference between that and those who have heard no evidence or witnesses and think Kavanaugh is a "good man" and she is lying? There's no difference between believing him or believing his accusers at this point in the investigation.

A lot of people thought Bill Cosby was a "good man" too.

Yup, if she had ever been serious about her alleged "trauma" she would have charged him after the event supposedly happened. Instead, she decides to do this character assassination 36 years after high school. It's all political. She's a good little lefty.

Let's see- he lied and evaded questions under oath. He was happy to participate in the prosecution of Clinton but now says a sitting president can't be indicted. He doesn't seem to think the Constitution applies to women. He's a gambling addict who rang up huge bills he couldn't pay. Just what about his makes him a "good man" or qualified to impose his will on the rest of us?

When it comes to SEX Crimes, nobody needs no evidence.
It is just His word against Hers, and we know how the courts work.
Hang the accused, and end the worry.

Ex-president Clinton was falsely accused and it took the Senate to let the man continue his good works.