Are the real villains in this Christy Ford's deadbeat parents for allowing her to frequent drunken parties at fifteen?

Are the real villains in this Christy Ford's deadbeat parents for allowing her to frequent drunken parties at fifteen?

You cons deserve to be shot in the face, people all around the world would celebrate.

Always looking to blame anybody but the perp (when it suits you), aren't you, Doc?

The real villains are Kavanaugh's parents who overlooked his rampant sexual abuse of minors which continues to this day.

So, tell us all about your life at age 15. I'm betting that, by your fake standards, your parents should be locked up for allowing you to do what you did at 15.

How about Christy. She decided to go to these parties with out her parents knowing and drink when she was underage… Do not blame the parents for what she did.

The parents and the prep school that looked the other way while their students abused alcohol and drugs. The elite prep school produced "winners" but never gave any thought to when a person's reputation actually begins.

Depends on what really happened, I guess.

Nearly all high-school aged kids do sh*t like this, so I'm not going to blame her parents if she went to parties and got drunk on occasion. I would call them into question if they knew she was doing it often (if she did do it often) and allowed her to engage in such dangerous behavior at her age. Worse, if they encouraged it. There's certainly a way that her parents can be real villains… That's just no the reasoning I'd use to define who is THE real villains of the case.

To define who is responsible, we need more details and determine what is actually going on. If Kavanaugh did as he's accused, then he's the real villain. However, if she's lying, then I'd call Christy Ford the real villain. The only way I'd bring her parents in is if they're also encouraging her or putting some stress on her to lie.

Nope, this was common for the the private school crowd, still have the same issue being found in many of them today, it was the culture back then. It was all don't ask, don't tell, don't talk about it. It is the same culture that Trump came from, pretty much all was considered acceptable.