America is great, but What have YOU done to make it great?

America is great because we've had some outstanding people.

America has had Lincoln, Jefferson, the Wright Brothers, Carnegie, Ford, Bill Gates, Sam Walton, and many other outstanding people.

Me, I don't think I've made it worse. I have no criminal record, I vote, I pay taxes, and I have a college degree. I have not done anything outstanding.

America is great, but What have YOU done to make it great?

Actually it's not great.

it's had war war and more war.

My cat's breath smells like cat food.

I'm a volunteer firefighter, I'm a tutor and I'm a Court Appointed Special Advocate. If I'm helping my community, I'm helping my country.

I harass the police, sue them often, and just generally make their jobs (and lives) as difficult as possible.

It's my way of giving back to the country I love.

I help reduce humanity's carbon footprint by using recycled guns to abort babies for Jesus.

America is not great. We're involved in several illegal wars, and more to come with the Iran situation possibly. We have terrible healthcare, wealth inequality, and so on. What has Trump done to make America great, other than sitting on his tail and tweeting about how mean people are to him? How about he does his job and makes America great, oh wait, he won't because he only said that to get elected.

Same as you. I wasn't a drag on society or the government, and chose my pursuit of happiness. It's pure luck I was a natural born citizen of this country, but that doesn't diminish my appreciation for it.

Same sentiment as you. I did serve in the Navy, got out got a job, got a better one, rinse and repeat. The biggest mark I made, well my late wife had more to do with that than I did. My son and daughter are the best thing I ever did, and I was just the help on that, she did the biggest part, luckily for them

I worked for America for 37 years. My daughter is a Meteorologist

Served 22 years in the military
Thank God I'm already retired because I'd desert with Trump as my commander in chief