Why does my 1988 ford f150 engine speed surge no matter how much gas you give it?

This all started after i had a guy that had been a mechanic for 30+ years to clean my throttle body with some CRC throttle body and air intake cleaner, it wasn't surging like that before he cleaned it but it would miss when the engine got up to operating temperature and it would almost shake you off of the road it would jerk so bad, that didn't solve the probelm i had before but a new ignition control module did, but ever since he cleaned the throttle body it surges up and down when you're giving it constant gas, doesn't matter if it's in park or you're driving it, I was just wondering if there might be something he did wrong or over looked that might be a simple fix?

Sounds like the copious amounts of throttle body cleaner destroyed the throttle position sensor.

It had a nightmare.

The numerous places faults can exist begin at the battery connections.

It needs an adaptive procedure after you fix everything that has been neglected.

Make a list.
Do it all
or keep going round and round
Motorcraft parts, update sensors.
Correct harness and vacuum issues. And components
that hold vacuum.

Get all the code out of it and service them.

Full tune-up and with an experienced ford tech looking at it to make suggestions.
The bucking and surging issues can be EGR, but you would see all its issues by doing proper research.
Shaking could be misfire and lead to deeper issues after 20+ years of use or abuse. These trucks are hard working, but fuel issues and driveability control issues addup. Emission system issues and parts can make it run badly when they malfunction.
Harness issues and plumbing issues, thermactor, etc.
But who felt the shake? And how did you make it do it?
carb spray won't hurt, but you could loosen carbon and run it
down in.
No real way to speculate, it's pretty close to 30 years old,
Many things can be occurring, and then factors can come and go
with temps and what's been done or never was done.
Warm lean miss can be gaskets, I will stop there because you did not say what engine or fuel

If you start fixing, find out what engine and fuel system before asking.,
numerous calibrations or part groups could have been.
I write this to get you to take it for a list to be made during
an inspection by your Ford tech. An older one,
This is inexpensive compared to guesswork.

Clean-up around the battery box, it can affect wiring vitally needed to systems.

Okay Did he remove the throttle body? Either your TPS is shot or the stuff destroyed your O2 sensor. Or it was already bad also check the idle air control valve It could also be a worn throttle body Too much of that throttle body cleaner can also harm the O2 sensors as i mentioned before you just have to either check these things yourself or take it to a competent mechanic