You do realise Kavanaugh is not going to be supreme court judge?

Ford will testify, her testimony will be credible and honest. She'll talk about the incident and how she corroborated it with her therapist and even took a lie detector. Kavanaugh will deny it, but will be forced to admit he lied about being a church going virgin who didn't party, like he said on Fox. The game will be up. He will go back to circuit court and try to rebuild his reputation. The republicans will lose the house in the midterms and with it the chance to vote their own choice for SCJ. Hopefully we'll actually get a neutral judge next time, not a political hack from either side

Wait and see. I bet Dr. Ford refuses to testify.


Time will tell; some of what you say is certain but not all. This whole thing is a sham

All conservatives have to do is nominate somebody who isn't a sexual abuser. How hard can that be?

Cool i hope your guess is right!

Weren't the judges that obama nominated left wing hacks?

Wrong. The republicans are NOT going to listen to her testimony. They have made up their minds abd will vote to confirm him. IF there are 5 or so honest republicans, then he might not be confirmed, but that is impossible… Honest republican… No, way.

He's a shoe in.

Ford. Fix Or Repair Daily…

Got a dollar to your donut that you're mistaken.