You do know that Ford has convinced millions she has had some long term mental problems having nothing to do with Kavanaugh?
You do know that Ford has convinced millions she has had some long term mental problems having nothing to do with Kavanaugh?
And, she wears a wig. Nobody wears their crown hair thick and hanging at the chin like that. On a wig, you have no choice.
A lifetime of psychiatric care points to a long term problem with reality
- Typical lib thinking? Ford had no idea when it happened, had no idea how she got there, no idea how she left, clueless who was there? And despite that every person she listed as a witness made a statement in a sense said Ford was wrong… The lib brain… Get even at Trump…> yep - Kavanaugh did it.
- Blasey Ford if you go back and see her face when she first enters the courtroom tells you she is a liar.She is to damn happy.Right? Blasey Ford if you go back and see her face when she first enters the courtroom tells you she is a liar. She is to damn happy.Right?