Wow, what a NON-SHOCKER. Christine Ford is NOT going to testify on Monday. What a complete and total FRAUD. Anyone remotely surprised?

Wow, what a NON-SHOCKER. Christine Ford is NOT going to testify on Monday. What a complete and total FRAUD. Anyone remotely surprised?


I'm actually quite surprised. Apparently she was surprised that the GOP called her bluff. LOL

Push by Fienstien
Old hag

It appears she has demands. She wants an FBI investigation (?!)… And a shrubbery.

Five days is not enough time for anybody to prepare to testify before the Senate

Not at all. This story was concocted in 2012 when Romney mentioned him for Supreme Court while he was running for President. It's just a stall tactic.

I'm glad Kavanaugh isn't backing down.

She wants the FBI to do a proper investigation first because she knows the Republican Senate won't.

Now that manafort has flipped, kavanaugh is trumps last hope to save his neck from the treason gallows. Trump is desperate to get brett on the SC. He will do anything to discredit Ford, even pay people on social media, like YA.