Would you believe Dr Ford if she said she was attacked by an MS-13 gang member?
Would you believe Dr Ford if she said she was attacked by an MS-13 gang member?
That would be far more believable.
Did the GOP pay her to say that?
Would you believe her if Brett Kavanaugh was a poor black kid?
Sure, because there would probably be evidence to back up her claim.
But she doesn't know where or when? I might believe it but there's nothing you could do about it.
- Under questioning, Dr Ford said she had no political motivation to come forward. If you believe her, will you raise your hand? I'm going to send you an email detailing how, just for the cost of overnight shipping to Nigeria and attorney's fees, you can finally claim that $10,000,000 inheritance from the long, lost relative of yours who was a much loved Nigerian Prince.
- If Ford really thought she was assaulted then why hasn't she contacted the Maryland police, they said last week they would investigate? If she did. Wouldn't that have but a crimp in Kavanaugh's confirmation to be the subject of a criminal investigation for sexual assault? Why hasn't she reported it to the police?
- End result of the Ford testimony will be he said/she said with no evidence. So, who gets the benefit of the doubt? Do liberals throwing unsubstantiated mud always get to win? Unless, of course, the next telling of her story varies quite a lot from what we have heard so far.
- Did you believe dr ford when she said she was doing this out of civic duty? I believe her about the claim of sexual assault but i do not believe she is doing this out of a sense of civic duty or that to her, it wasn't politically motivated. not that i blame her really, could you imagine if she had done this during the clinton presidency era? It would have been laughed at and dismissed out of hand