Would it make a difference if James Comey came forward a said he saw Kavanaugh molesting Dr Ford at a party 36 yrs ago?
Would it make a difference if James Comey came forward a said he saw Kavanaugh molesting Dr Ford at a party 36 yrs ago?
Not really knowing comeys track record
Are you *still* whining about this?
He might as well… Whatever it takes.
Yes. We could get right to the nomination in the morning and skip the hearing.
Comey the liar would make no difference. LOL
If Comey did that the democrats would love him again.
Isn't there a child site where this kind of question and rationale would be a better fit?
He's as big a liar as she is.
- What's the difference in the level of the errors, here? Obama said there were 57 States and that Ford invented the automobile. Trump said? Airports instead of seaports or just ports. It looks like the same basic thing. Slip of the tongue. How can libs make such a big deal out of one without seeing that the other is almost identically the same kind of error? .
- Under questioning, Dr Ford said she had no political motivation to come forward. If you believe her, will you raise your hand? I'm going to send you an email detailing how, just for the cost of overnight shipping to Nigeria and attorney's fees, you can finally claim that $10,000,000 inheritance from the long, lost relative of yours who was a much loved Nigerian Prince.
- If Judge Kavanaugh is innocent then why did Christine Ford talk about the assault to a therapist years ago before Kavanaugh was famous? If she was making it up wouldn't she have not brought it up until now? If she discussed it for years then doesn't that mean it is true?
- Does anyone actually believe a stud like Kavanaugh would even party with an ugly duckling like Christine Ford? He probably didn't even realize she even existed. Probably walked right past her in the hallways.