Will dems be able to revive the Ford accusations by Monday, or is that yet another exhausted and unsuccessful tactic?

Will dems be able to revive the Ford accusations by Monday, or is that yet another exhausted and unsuccessful tactic?

Feinstein wasn't quick enough with the b/s.

It just Reeks of a setup. Too many blanks in the story. (like Where and When).

Senator DiFi could take a crash course in photoshop this weekend and see if she can produce some pics of Kavanaugh with various farm animals.

They probably have another unnamed accuser stashed-away just for such emergencies…

The accusations never went away, so…

When this goes away, and it will.It is time for the voting age population of America to ask themselves if they will ever again vote for a party that will wheel out unprovable criminality, bellow ground level low tactics and any old smear to win.
It is then time to ask yourself, if a party that is so inclined to use the tactics of deseparation… Why are they so desperate to win. I don't think you would like the answer to that question, and neither would then majority of Americans.

Why don't you like Women?

It isn't just that she waited 30 years to have this memory miraculously recovered from her repression; nor that she waited another 5 or 6 years to say something. It's the BLATANT and UNABASHEDLY OBVIOUS TIMING of dropping it into place exactly when a very well-vetted, properly chosen and processed Supreme Court nominee came up for a confirmation vote. BAM!

Sure, I b'lieve I'll wait a little while. Yep, 37 years oughtta do it! Hows mid September, 2018, you ask?

Great! That'll be just perfect.

Not like it's planned or anything. Besides, the dems can always investigate the guy any legal way they come up with.