Will Christine Blasey Ford be charged with lying to the US government?

Will Christine Blasey Ford be charged with lying to the US government?

Corrupt c0ns may try
they don't care about the truth

She and diFi should be and punished.

Faux News isn't credible evidence, so what evidence do you have that Christine Ford lied and why are Republicans including the judge in question against a fair & balanced trial?

Possibly, her lawyer could be tried too.

Source of her lying? Can't answer the question effectively unless you provide a source.

She was probably telling the truth as she vaguely remembers it but got mixed up over who was the actual perpetrator which was certainly not Brett Kavanaugh.

Her liar of a lawyer will claim insanity.
In truth, she is a political operative for the Demonrat party.


Not at all… They cooked up the line, that they AGREE she was attacked, by *someone*… At *some* point in time.------but aren't believing that it was Brett, in high school-

it's the nicest way to call her a liar, without calling her a liar. This way they can still pretend they are being "fair"… By graciopusly granted that her story is TRUE… But she's wrong about it being Brett-

She just named him for sh*ts and giggles, apparently.