Why would the Washington Post say Ford moved into the Pacific Ocean, (3000 miles away from Maryland) to prove they are fake news?
Why would the Washington Post say Ford moved into the Pacific Ocean, (3000 miles away from Maryland) to prove they are fake news?
Does she swim with the fishes?
WTF are you talking about?
Oh you mean moving to the West Coast. Wow is that ever a stupid interpretation of "moving 3000 miles" which is the approximate distance between many points on the east and west coasts of the USA.
It takes real idiocy to consider that "fake news". I really didn't think anyone could be as dumb as you.
She's a mermaid?
Right, snakes can't swim.
The Washington Post got their start as a propaganda machine for the CIA. They are the most fake news out there.
In these times of hyper partisan rhetoric they can't keep their story straight given they're married to the craziness of the Resist Movement.
They are wimps
- If Ford really thought she was assaulted then why hasn't she contacted the Maryland police, they said last week they would investigate? If she did. Wouldn't that have but a crimp in Kavanaugh's confirmation to be the subject of a criminal investigation for sexual assault? Why hasn't she reported it to the police?
- How would you rank the post-WWII Presidents based on their foreign policies? What Presidents since WWII have had the best and worst foreign policies? My list Harry Truman Dwight Eisenhower John F. Kennedy Jimmy Carter Bill Clinton George Hhomework Bush Ronald Reagan Barack Obama Gerald Ford Richard Nixon George W. Bush Lyndon Johnson Didn't rank the current POTUS because he's only served half a term.
- How would you rank all post WWII Presidents regarding their foreign policy? My list would be Truman Eisenhower Kennedy Bush Sr. Carter Clinton Obama Ford Reagan Nixon Trump Bush Jr. LBJ
- Can you imagine how Americans would react if the German Ambassador in Washington started tweet-ordering around Ford, IBM, etc, telling? Them where they could not do business? That's what our Ambassador is doing to the Germans. And they will react with the contempt this deserves.