Why would Kavanaugh testify before his accuser? Isn't there burden of proof on Ford?
Why would Kavanaugh testify before his accuser? Isn't there burden of proof on Ford?
There = the
According to the Dems, no, the burden of proof is on the accused.
Ford isn't a prosecutor, dingbat. Get your ducks in line?
This is just stalling till the Midterms. And it will back fire.
That's like putting the cart before the wheel. The Judiciary will not agree with that, because it's illogical.
It's not a trial; it's a job interview.
None of these legal considerations apply, here.
The basic judiciary structure of this country is to protect the right's of the accused because they have the most on the line. There's supposed to be a presumption of innocence. It isn't a presumption of innocence unless it doesn't align with your political needs.
Because this isn't a trial and there's no burden of proof assigned by law. Senators could vote against him if they don't like his haircut.
Kavanaugh is not on trial. There's no need for anyone to prove *any* crime for the senate to vote to reject his appointment. As Yavan pointed out, a confirmation hearing is a job interview.
In a supreme court confirmation the burden of everything is on the nominee.
- Who has the burden of proof? Ford or Kavanaugh? If this were a criminal trial the accuser would have the burden of proof… but this is no trial… this is a JOB INTERVIEW. Right? In job interviews, candidates are routinely disqualified for not being able to prove their innocence. they are routinely disqualified by a standard of "more likely than not" like it is in CIVIL court.
- Kavanaugh could have his pick of the litter when it came to women, why would he choose ugly duckling Christine Ford? He wasn't that desperate. He was in the "in" crowd. Women loved him. It doesn't add up. is this a fantasy of Christine Ford? Seems like it.
- Isn't great the Kavanaugh accuser yearbook shows she not a Angel? https://cultofthe1st.blogspot.com/2018/09/why-christine-blasey-fords-high-school_19.html?showComment=1537409523569&m=1#c2260053581059665674
- If Judge Kavanaugh is innocent then why did Christine Ford talk about the assault to a therapist years ago before Kavanaugh was famous? If she was making it up wouldn't she have not brought it up until now? If she discussed it for years then doesn't that mean it is true?